Matri Sanmilon | VKV Tingrai

Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Tingrai has organized Matri Sanmilon on 9th July, 2022 i.e second Saturday for the mother’s of the children of classes Nursery to III. Total number of mothers present is 67. The program was started with chanting three omkaras and mangalasaran. Esteemed guests have followed the culture of our nation by lighting the lamp and started today’s program. Principal sir has delivered the welcome address of the guests. Sanmilon was graced by the presence of multiple honorary award winner and national awardee respected Bulbul Adhyapak didi along with three most respectful and influential people from the society. All the guests are being felicitated by a fulam gamusa and a gift as a token of respect and appreciation. Song teacher of the Vidyalaya Bidyaboti Didi has sang a melodious song which binds everyone in rhythm .
The confluence of three seas where the dream of Mn. Eknathji Ranade has been glorifying for last 50 years. A short video on Rock memorial is shown by our Namita Didi. purpose of the meeting was delivered by the host Lakhipriya didi which includes the responsibilities and the capacities of a mother. Group discussion and presentation was led by Manju Didi where the respected mothers are given few topics related to children’s upbringing and overall development and asked to contemplate on it . Then the few respected mothers have showcase their talents. One of them has sang devotional borgeet the creation of Srimanta Sankardev and Shree Shree Madhavdev. After that our esteemed guest Mn Bulbul Adhyapak didi has delivered a motivational speech. She speaks on the vital role of a mother in a child’s life, the habit formation of a child that form by imitating their parents, how mothers can nurture the innocence of their children and many more informative words on parenting. To boost the energy of our mothers our physical education teacher Monalisa didi has organized varieties of games which made our mothers felt nostalgic for their childhood. Later a token of appreciation i.e a card is given to each and every mother present in the sanmilon which are made by our beloved students. After that few mothers have shared their experiences positively. Later vote of thanks is proposed by our Pallavi Didi. The program was concluded by chanting santi path.